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The Swiss School of Management is an accredited private institute of higher education based in Malta.

The Swiss School of Management has high academic standards and seeks to maintain these standards by recruiting high caliber students.

Our programs are fully accredited by International Accrediting Bodies and moreover our Institute is Quality Certified: EduQua.

We welcome a diverse student body catering to the continuing education needs of working professionals.


MBA Degree Programs

The Swiss School of Management 1 year international accredited MBA Degree Program is designed to equip students with the tools and analytical framework​, required for a successful career.

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Doctorate Programs

Our DBA degrees will prepare you for leadership roles with thorough coursework and in-depth research.

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Bachelor of Business Administration

The Bachelor Degree is designed to give a broad knowledge of the functional areas of a company, and their interconnection, while also allowing for specialization in a particular area.

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MBA Degree Programs

The Swiss School of Management 1 year international accredited MBA Degree Program is designed to equip students with the tools and analytical framework​, required for a successful career.

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Post Graduate Diploma in Leadership and Management


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Accreditations, Membership & Collaborations

Student Life

Malta can be a great opportunity for a unique learning experience, exposure to cultural diversity, and personal growth.

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